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The list is one of the most versatile datatypes available in Python. It can be written as a group of comma-separated values between square brackets. Creating a list is as simple as separating items by comma between square brackets.

For example:

# Notice the mix data types
my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
print("Contents of my_list: {}.\nType: {}".format(my_list, type(my_list)))
Contents of my_list: ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415].
Type: <class 'list'>

\n is the escape character for line break

Note: Python is a zero-index based, thus to get the first item we simply ask for the item/ element on the 0th index.

To get the item in the list, we simply pass the index of the required item to the list:


We will now look at some list manipulations techniques (which are similar to strings) and then look at some more methods that makes lists unique.

Slicing the List

When a list is sliced, a shallow copy (we’ll discuss shallow and deep copies in a moment) of the list is performed and a new list is created containing the requested elements.

For example:

my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
# Performs shallow copy and returns a **new** list with first two elements
my_list[:2] # [:2] means between start=0 and stop=2 index values (excluding stop)
['Python', 'Julia']

The slicing can also be done to get the n-th value from a list by passing n as the third argument.

['Julia', 3.1415]
# Remember, it doesn't include the nth index value when traversing a list.
my_list[-3:-2:1]  # Take every element between index value -3 and -2

Updating the List

Unlike strings and tuples which are immutable, elements in list can be changed without having to create a new list, thus making it mutable.

For example:

my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
my_list[2] = 'Java'
print('Original Contents: \n', my_list)
print('Original Length of array: \n', len(my_list))
# Remove some elements/ changing the size
my_list[2:4] = []
print('Modified Contents: \n', my_list)
print('Modified Length of array: \n', len(my_list))
Original Contents: 
 ['Python', 'Julia', 'Java', 3.1415]
Original Length of array: 
Modified Contents: 
 ['Python', 'Julia']
Modified Length of array: 

Appending to the List

New items can be easily added to the list by using the append() method.


my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
my_list.append('C++') # It will append the item to the end of the list
['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415, 'C++']

Copying Lists

There are many ways to create a copy of the lists in python. Lets take a look at few techniques:

using copy package

A copy package is included in Python so you don’t have to install it externally to use it. So why create a separate package?

From our module on variables, we know that it is very easy to create a copy of objects. We also know that assignment statements ( ‘=’ ) in Python do not copy the objects, they merely create bindings between targets and objects. But for collections that are mutable or contain mutable items, a copy is sometimes needed so that one can change the content of the mutable item without changing the other.

There are actually two ways of creating a copy of an object: shallow copies and deep copies. In a shallow copy, Python constructs a new object and then inserts references to into it that are found in the original list. A deep copy, however, creates a new object and copies everything.

(If you are curious to know more about it, head over to the official documentation )

import copy
my_list  = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
my_list1 = copy.copy(my_list)  # Shallow copy.. Fast
my_list2 = copy.deepcopy(my_list)  # Deep copy.. Slower
using slice
my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
my_list1 = my_list[:2]
['Python', 'Julia']
using list constructor
my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
# when list method takes a list as a parameter, it creates a copy of that list
my_list1 = list(my_list)
['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]

Delete List Elements

To remove list elements, one has two options: either use the del statement or lists’ remove method (we will discuss this last one a bit more later). Here’s an example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Nested Lists

As the name suggests, nested lists are a list of elements where the element itself is another list.

For example:

my_list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
my_list2 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
my_list3 = [my_list1, my_list2]
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']]

List Concatenation, Repetition, Membership:

These are simple list manipulation methods similar to strings. Take a look at following examples:

my_list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
my_list2 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
my_list1 + my_list2  # List Concatenation
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
# List Repetition
my_list1 * 2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Membership operator, returns true if member of list
3 in my_list1

Traversing a list:

The most straightforward way to traverse a list is using loops. We will look at loops in more detail later, but for now let’s just deal with two important elements, the for loop and while loop.

for loop:


my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for element in my_list:

Now lets traverse using the index numbers


for index in range(len(my_list)): # start from 0 and go till the length of the list.
    print("my_list[{}] : {}".format(index, my_list[index]))
my_list[0] : 1
my_list[1] : 2
my_list[2] : 3
my_list[3] : 4
my_list[4] : 5
While loop:

Just like for loop, we can traverse the list based on its index numbers:

For example:

index = 0
# till index is less than length of list
while index < len(my_list):
    print("my_list[{}] : {}".format(index, my_list[index]))
    # increment index by 1 at every iteration
    index += 1
my_list[0] : 1
my_list[1] : 2
my_list[2] : 3
my_list[3] : 4
my_list[4] : 5


Python has a built-in method called enumerate which returns both index value and value of list ( or any other iterable object).


for ind, val in enumerate(my_list):
    print("my_list[{}] : {}".format(ind, val))
my_list[0] : 1
my_list[1] : 2
my_list[2] : 3
my_list[3] : 4
my_list[4] : 5

List Comprehension

List comprehension is a syntactic way of creating a list based on the existing list, just like we did when copying the lists above. The basic structure of the syntax includes a for loop that traverses the list and evaluates a condition using the if.. else condition. It then stores the output of the condition as a new list. Let’s take a look at a quick example:

my_list1 = [elem for elem in my_list if elem % 2 == 0]
[2, 4]

We simply create a list my_list1 from the elements in my_list that are completely divisible by 2.

There are many ways in which the list comprehension can be used. It is just a shorthand of writing better readable code.

Built- in List Functions and Methods:

Python provides following methods for lists:


This method returns the elements from the list with maximum value.

For example:

my_list1 = [1, 2, 3]

This method returns the element from the list with minimum value.


This method takes sequence types and converts them to lists. This is also used to convert a tuple into a list.

For example:

my_list = list(('Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415))  # iterable as a tuple
['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]

The above line might be a little confusing. list is a built-in function which can either create an empty list if it is called with no parameters, or create a new list of the iterable/ sequence that it is given as an input. That means that list can at most 1 argument. Thus we have to put our elements in a circular bracket (which makes it a tuple, btw) and then pass it as an argument to list method.


This method returns the number of times the object, that is passed as a parameter, occurs in the list.

For example:

my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]

This method appends the contents of a sequence to a list. Here is an equivalent operation using slicing – my_list1[len(my_list1):] = my_list2 and print my_list1.

my_list1 = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
my_list2 = ['C++', 'Java', 2, 2.7182]
['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415, 'C++', 'Java', 2, 2.7182]

This method returns the lowest index in the list that object appears.

my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
list.insert(index, obj):

This method is used to insert the object at the offset index.

my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
my_list.insert(3, 2.7182)
['Python', 'Julia', 1, 2.7182, 3.1415]
list.pop(obj = list[-1]):

This method removes and returns the removed object from the list. If you don’t pass the argument to the function, it will by default pop the last element from the list

my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
# pop the last element

This method is used to remove the object from the list. The object to be removed should be passed as an argument to the function. Unlike pop, this does not return anything.

my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
['Python', 1, 3.1415]

This method reverses the objects of list in place

my_list = ['Python', 'Julia', 1, 3.1415]
[3.1415, 1, 'Julia', 'Python']

This method sorts objects of list by using the compare function passed as optional parameter. You can also sort the string in reverse by passing the optional parameter reverse=True

my_list = [7, 6, 1, 9, 2]
print("Sorted:         ", my_list)
print("Reverse Sorted: ", my_list)
Sorted:          [1, 2, 6, 7, 9]
Reverse Sorted:  [9, 7, 6, 2, 1]
Mohit Sharma
Mohit Sharma
Senior Software Development Engineer, DevOps

DevOps engineer with a strong Linux background and over a decade of experience designing, automating and managing mission critical infrastructure deployments by leveraging SRE principles and other DevOps processes. Expert in scripting using python with an emphasis on real-time, high speed data pipelines and distributed computing across networks.